30 Apr

What’s the Benefit of a Free Consultation with a Personal Injury Lawyer?

In personal injury law, a free consultation with a lawyer is more than just a gesture of goodwill; it's a fundamental aspect of the legal process that serves clients in numerous ways. But what is the point of a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer? Let's dive into the reasons behind this initial step toward seeking justice and compensation for injuries you’ve sustained in an accident.

06 Mar

Unveiling the Hidden Costs of Trucking Accidents

The sight of trucks traversing highways is common; their imposing presence is a testament to their essential role in our economy. However, the hidden costs of trucking accidents leave a lasting impact on victims. 

28 Dec

15 Legal Terms to Know for Personal Injury Claims

Personal injury claims can be complex and overwhelming, especially if you're unfamiliar with the legal jargon and terminology used in the field. For instance, what’s comparative negligence, and how could this impact my case?

Understanding the key terminology for personal injury claims is one way to stay informed during a personal injury or workers’ compensation claim. If you have any further questions about these terms regarding your case or if you think you have a case, feel free to contact Carrillo Injury Law at the information below.

30 Oct

The Hidden Costs of Personal Injury: Beyond Medical Expenses

Personal injuries can profoundly and permanently impact an individual's life, with “unexpected financial responsibilities [having] the potential to throw a lengthy shadow, affecting one's life both emotionally and financially,” according to Disability Help. While medical expenses are often the most visible and immediate costs associated with such injuries, numerous hidden costs can significantly affect a person's financial, emotional, and social well-being.

13 Jun

The Influence of Social Media on Personal Injury Cases

In the digital world, social media has become an integral part of our everyday lives. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn allow us to stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues, share personal experiences, and opinions.

26 Apr

Why Are Construction Site Accidents So Common?

Construction site accidents are incredibly common in the industry but also entirely preventable. According to Gilmore Health News, “Construction jobs rank among the most dangerous jobs in the United States because everyday tasks put workers in more high-risk situations.”

07 Apr

Who is Responsible For an Accident and Your Personal Injury? Understanding Comparative Negligence

Determining fault and appointing accountability for an accident you were in, whether a car accident or other incident, can present complicated issues in personal injury claims. Comparative negligence becomes relevant when both parties may have played a role in the accident. According to this legal principle, the people, instead of the person responsible for the accident, must divide the blame and financial losses among themselves.

31 Jan

The Consequences of Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is dangerous and potentially deadly when a driver's attention diverts from the road. According to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), “There are three types of distraction: manual, which is taking hands off the wheel; visual, or taking eyes off the road; and cognitive, which involves taking one’s mind off driving.” Distracted driving can take many forms, including texting, eating, and reading while driving or conversing with passengers.

23 Dec

Can Seasonal Employees Receive Workers' Compensation?

Businesses hire seasonal employees to get an extra hand and increase staffing during the holiday season. Even though seasonal employees only work for a short period of time, costs and obligations associated with hiring seasonal workers remain a concern, including providing workers’ compensation coverage.