01 Dec

Why Does It Take So Long to Receive My Check After Settling My Case?

While your legal case may be settled, your settlement check often must travel through an extensive process before it is in your hands. The release of the check only occurs after your lawyer has verified possible liens, outstanding paperwork, and health insurance. Every case is different and depends on the type of case, whether personal injury or workers’ compensation.

01 Aug

Common Injuries for Doctors

Common injuries experienced by doctors is not a topic that is discussed often, but the fact is that doctors are susceptible to a number of injuries from work as well as day-to-day life. Doctors are human after all, and therefore are just as likely to deal with illnesses, injuries, and more. In some cases, doctors will even continue to work rather than taking the necessary time off to recover.

15 Jun

8 Common Injuries for Healthcare Professionals

Every day, healthcare professionals work hard to care for others from regular check-ups to severe injuries and diseases. A healthcare worker is anyone who works within the healthcare industry, which includes hospitals, clinics, nursing facilities, and health centers. These individuals may be doctors, nurses, or paramedics.