I was a passenger in a car that was in an accident, does the driver’s insurance cover my injuries?

It can, but it depends on the facts. If the driver of the car caused the accident, you can make a claim against the driver’s bodily injury coverage. If the driver of another car caused the accident and doesn’t have appropriate insurance coverage, you can make a claim under the car owner’s uninsured motorist coverage or your own uninsured motorist coverage.

I am registering a vehicle for the first time. Is automobile insurance mandatory?

Yes, the state of Florida requires personal injury protection and property damage coverage. Florida does not require bodily injury coverage, which would protect you if you injured another or had an accident with an uninsured motorist. Bodily injury coverage would also protect you if someone injured you or a family member. Although these types of coverage are not required by the state, they can be important for you and your family.

How much time do I have after an 18-wheeler or semi truck accident to file a lawsuit in Florida?

In Florida, the statute of limitations is four years. That said, you should never wait four years to pursue your claim. It's important to document the claim, both liability and damage components, well before the statute of limitations runs out.
Our firm has been handling cases in North Central Florida for over 25 years. There’s no fee involved in any consultation. Let’s talk about your case, assess your damages, and see if we can be of assistance and win the best possible recovery for you.

How much money can I get if I’m hit by another driver?

The value of a personal injury case is determined by many things, including the severity of your injury, your commitment to your medical care, and what type of insurance you have. Car accident cases are complex. An experienced lawyer should have a detailed understanding of insurance, how to receive appropriate medical care, and how to make sure that your injuries and damages are properly documented. The first thing you should do when you have been in a car accident is to speak with a lawyer and seek advice.

How much money can I expect to receive from my Florida auto accident case?

The amount of money you can expect to receive is most often handled on a case by case basis. Some people are hurt more. Some people don’t follow through with medical care. Some people do. If you are in a car accident, the first thing that you need to do is follow through with medical care and choose a lawyer who’s experienced in handling Florida auto accident cases. The ability to document and advocate on a case comes with significant experience. Our firm has been handling cases in North Central Florida for over 25 years. There’s no fee involved in any consultation.

02 May

Is COVID-19 Considered a Compensable Workplace Accident in Florida?

The COVID-19 pandemic offers a unique challenge when it comes to workers’ compensation in Florida. With countless concerns and consequences from this virus, employers are scrambling to adjust to the ever-changing regulations and expectations, especially if an employee contracts the virus while on the job.

30 Apr

Common Worker’s Compensation Injuries

Every industry has common injuries that qualify for worker’s compensation. While certain professions pose more risk of injury than others, it is important to recognize that every office and position comes with some level of risk. Being educated on potential injuries, knowing how to avoid them, and understanding what to do in the event that you receive an injury on the job are crucial to note for any position.

The most common injuries for worker’s compensation include overexertion, trips and falls, machinery accidents, transportation incidents, and workplace violence.

03 Apr

Repetitive Stress and Overexertion Injuries

Repetitive stress and overexertion injuries are two types of injuries that plague many workers and places of employment. Each of these injuries is likely eligible for worker’s compensation, but their gradual symptoms often can be hard to recognize until they’re extremely severe, causing a change in the ability to perform certain activities. Therefore, it is important for employees to recognize possible symptoms early and report them before they have the chance to get worse.

02 Apr

Understanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is one of the most devastating and perplexing conditions that can occur following an accident. It does not distinguish where the accident occurred, whether it be a work injury, car accident, or fall at home. It is likely one is not aware of this condition unless there is a personal connection to it. Seeing it first hand is typically the first encounter whether it be a friend or family member. 

23 Mar

Common Injuries for At-Home Desk Workers

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a new challenge for employers with common injuries for at-home desk workers that might be eligible for worker’s compensation. While essential businesses face the possibility that their workers could contract the virus while at work, other businesses with employees working at home face the possibility of worker’s compensation for certain injuries.