02 Dec

Common Activities for Florida Winter Injuries

Common winter injuries in Florida include anything from bruising to back pain and more. These injuries occur during a variety of activities. Despite the fact that winter is much more mild in Florida than in other states, individuals experience a number of injuries from car accidents, house decorating, and holiday hosting.

25 Nov

Seasonal Safety Tips: Winter

Even in Florida, it’s important to take certain seasonal safety precautions for winter. While a Florida winter does not often include snow, ice, or sleet, the weather often cools and includes more rain and tourists. It never hurts to be prepared.

Florida, a well-known vacation spot and retirement state, may not experience freezing temperatures or snow, but residents should practice certain seasonal safety tips. As tourists travel through the state and snowbirds flock to their retirement homes, this means more traffic on the roads. Be sure to drive safely.

01 Nov

Self-Care for After an Accident

Work injuries and car accidents occur every day. In 2012, the CDC reported that approximately 7,000 people are injured in car accidents each day. Car and work injuries can result in minor scrapes and bruises to more serious injuries and sometimes fatalities. 

Self-care after an accident is different for every injury, depending on body part and the severity of the injury. When you’ve been injured, it’s important to prioritize your recovery with the right types of self-care.

01 Jul

Common Injuries Caused by Fireworks

Every year, an estimate of 250 people suffer injuries caused by fireworks each day of July, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (SPSC). While people recognize that fireworks are dangerous, many people seem to believe that some fireworks are less dangerous than others. This belief leads to more injury! Firework injuries often include injuries to the face, eyes, hands, legs, and so much more of the body.

Even though they are used for celebration, they still can pose a significant health risk, so practice safety and caution when using fireworks.

15 Jun

8 Common Injuries for Healthcare Professionals

Every day, healthcare professionals work hard to care for others from regular check-ups to severe injuries and diseases. A healthcare worker is anyone who works within the healthcare industry, which includes hospitals, clinics, nursing facilities, and health centers. These individuals may be doctors, nurses, or paramedics.

02 Jun

6 Steps to Take after a Semi-Truck Accident

Semi-truck accidents are often extremely serious due to the fact they generally occur at high speeds on the freeway or interstate. While a small percentage of accidents occur on minor roads, most happen on larger roads. Data shows that most accidents occur between 6 am and 3 pm. Semi-truck accidents are scary and dangerous.

While statistically, semi-truck drivers are less likely to be a part of traffic accidents, they are more likely to be a part of serious accidents.

30 May

Don't Forget to Do These 7 Steps if You're Bit by a Dog

Throughout the year, nearly 800,000 people experience a dog bite that requires medical attention. Children or postal workers are most likely to be bit, and those who are bit are often able to file a claim for a personal injury case. Seeking to receive compensation for a dog bite can be an involved process, so it’s important to not to forget to do these steps in the event you are bit by a dog.

02 May

Is COVID-19 Considered a Compensable Workplace Accident in Florida?

The COVID-19 pandemic offers a unique challenge when it comes to workers’ compensation in Florida. With countless concerns and consequences from this virus, employers are scrambling to adjust to the ever-changing regulations and expectations, especially if an employee contracts the virus while on the job.

03 Apr

Repetitive Stress and Overexertion Injuries

Repetitive stress and overexertion injuries are two types of injuries that plague many workers and places of employment. Each of these injuries is likely eligible for worker’s compensation, but their gradual symptoms often can be hard to recognize until they’re extremely severe, causing a change in the ability to perform certain activities. Therefore, it is important for employees to recognize possible symptoms early and report them before they have the chance to get worse.

02 Mar

Florida Motorcycle Accident Claims & Road Safety

When it comes to motorcycle accidents, Florida continues to lead the country in the number of fatal accidents every year. The state has the second-highest number of registered motorcyclists in all of the United States. On average, nearly 5,000 motorcyclists are killed each year in accidents. Statistically, these fatalities often occur during the day, with clear conditions, and not at intersections.