07 Apr

Who is Responsible For an Accident and Your Personal Injury? Understanding Comparative Negligence

Determining fault and appointing accountability for an accident you were in, whether a car accident or other incident, can present complicated issues in personal injury claims. Comparative negligence becomes relevant when both parties may have played a role in the accident. According to this legal principle, the people, instead of the person responsible for the accident, must divide the blame and financial losses among themselves.

09 Mar

What is the Personal Injury Statute of Limitations in Florida?

Personal injuries can be devastating, both physically and emotionally. Whether you've been in a car accident, suffered a slip-and-fall, or experienced medical malpractice, the aftermath of a personal injury can leave you with mounting medical bills, lost wages, and long-term consequences.

20 May

Average Payout for Florida Personal Injury Claim

For victims of a personal injury in Florida, it’s important to consider the value of a personal injury claim. Settlements vary. However, the value of a claim may be averaged based off of other personal injury settlements.

02 May

How To Sue for Personal Injury

Did you know that personal injury is one of the most common situations that result in civil lawsuits? However, not all injuries deserve to be filed as a personal injury claim. It’s crucial to understand the different types of injury claims because each type offers different potential damages, limitation periods, and so much more.

The complexity of the legal system seems daunting, but it also offers relief in light of possible wage loss and healthcare costs.