01 Dec

Why Does It Take So Long to Receive My Check After Settling My Case?

While your legal case may be settled, your settlement check often must travel through an extensive process before it is in your hands. The release of the check only occurs after your lawyer has verified possible liens, outstanding paperwork, and health insurance. Every case is different and depends on the type of case, whether personal injury or workers’ compensation.

29 Oct

Common Injuries for Construction Workers

Construction workers are at risk for a number of injuries based on their occupation and proximity to heavy equipment. In 2018, 4,779 work fatalities were recorded, and 21.1% of those deaths were construction workers. While there are many injuries common in construction, OSHA has coined the phrase “Fatal Four” to refer to four types of accidents that often are responsible for more than half of construction worker fatalities.

09 Oct

What to Know About Product Liability Law

When a product fails and causes injury, it’s likely that the people involved in manufacturing the product can be held liable for their part in the breakdown. Product liability attaches liability to the manufacturer, seller, and distributor. In some cases, the suppliers and retailers can be held responsible for product failure.

While product liability is very broad, generally the law is limited to products that are considered a tangible personal property.

02 Sep

Common Personal Injury Cases

Common personal injury cases often include motor vehicle accidents, medical malpractice, workplace accidents, dog bites, product liability, and more. Personal injury is the legal term for any injury that occurs to the body, mind, or emotions. In many situations, a lawsuit is filed for personal injury against the party that has caused the harm.

01 Sep

How Do I Hire a Lawyer When I Can’t See Them in Person?

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a global shift in how everyday workers conduct business, including lawyers. From typical office workers to teachers, operating remotely to limit person-to-person contact has become an everyday reality. 

20 Aug

If I Hire an Attorney for Workers’ Compensation, Will I Get Fired?

Workers are often concerned about getting fired because they consulted or hired a lawyer to handle their worker’s compensation claim or personal injury claim. A smart employer will not fire you. Firstly, it is illegal for an employer to fire you for filing a claim or working with an attorney; secondly, termination will not affect your ability to receive worker’s compensation. This is considered wrongful termination and retaliation.

26 Jun

Being Struck by Or Caught In Moving Machinery

Being struck by or caught in moving machinery in the workplace is a significant risk and can have devastating consequences. These types of accidents often cause severe injuries or fatalities. In fact, between 2011 to 2015, a period of only five years, 275 construction workers were killed by machinery accidents. 93% of non-fatal injuries were caused by equipment or objects as well.

02 Jun

6 Steps to Take after a Semi-Truck Accident

Semi-truck accidents are often extremely serious due to the fact they generally occur at high speeds on the freeway or interstate. While a small percentage of accidents occur on minor roads, most happen on larger roads. Data shows that most accidents occur between 6 am and 3 pm. Semi-truck accidents are scary and dangerous.

While statistically, semi-truck drivers are less likely to be a part of traffic accidents, they are more likely to be a part of serious accidents.

30 Apr

Common Worker’s Compensation Injuries

Every industry has common injuries that qualify for worker’s compensation. While certain professions pose more risk of injury than others, it is important to recognize that every office and position comes with some level of risk. Being educated on potential injuries, knowing how to avoid them, and understanding what to do in the event that you receive an injury on the job are crucial to note for any position.

The most common injuries for worker’s compensation include overexertion, trips and falls, machinery accidents, transportation incidents, and workplace violence.

03 Apr

Repetitive Stress and Overexertion Injuries

Repetitive stress and overexertion injuries are two types of injuries that plague many workers and places of employment. Each of these injuries is likely eligible for worker’s compensation, but their gradual symptoms often can be hard to recognize until they’re extremely severe, causing a change in the ability to perform certain activities. Therefore, it is important for employees to recognize possible symptoms early and report them before they have the chance to get worse.