23 May

What Happens When a Work Injury Causes Traumatic Brain Injury?

A Traumatic Brain Injury, as a result of your work, can be a scary situation to navigate, but your first step should be medical care. From there, your options depend on a number of factors that are discussed in this article.

Traumatic Brain Injury or TBI is when an injury affects the brain’s function.[1]

11 May

8 Frequent Workers’ Compensation Injuries and Claims

No matter where you work, workplace injury is a common problem. Knowing your workers' compensation rights is crucial to your health and well-being. Workers are eligible to get benefits related to medical expenses, rehabilitation services, and lost wages.

Workplace injury is part of the risk that an employer must plan for, and most states, including Florida, requires that employers have workers’ compensation insurance in place for their employees. As an employee, it’s important to know common injuries for workers’ compensation claims.

13 Apr

What Benefits are Available to Me After a Severe Work Injury?

Severe work injuries are scary. For purposes of this article, “severe” is going to be used when describing a work injury that prevents someone from working ever again, essentially meaning a total disability injury. This is not to diminish other injuries that can also be very bad and difficult for daily life. However, let’s focus on the benefits available after a severe work injury that would prevent someone from re-entering the workforce.

09 Mar

The Myths of Employee & Employer Fraud

Most times when people talk about fraud in workers’ compensation cases, they mean employee fraud. It’s a common misconception that most work injuries are faked or exaggerated. Do those cases occur? Yes, but just not to the frequency that most people assume.
01 Mar

5 Things Every Employee Should Know About Personal Injury

There may be times when accidents can occur in the workplace, either due to malpractice, negligence, or human error. Though distressing, the aftermath of a personal injury includes a number of options for pursuing your rights.

Knowing what to do in case of personal injury in the workplace is the first step. Here are five things every employee should keep in mind in the event of a personal injury.

1. Focus on the Injury Care

When you suffer an injury at the workplace, your first priority should be your health.

27 Jan

Workers’ Compensation Rates are being Reduced in 2022

On November 12, 2021, the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation issued a Final Order approving the recommendation from the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) for a statewide overall rate decrease of 4.9% of workers’ compensation insurance rates.

08 Jan

5 Things Every Employee Should Know about Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is an insurance program that extends benefits to full-time workers who have been injured while on the job. It compensates them for medical expenses and wage loss while remaining out of work.

22 Dec

What are My Employee Rights as a Warehouse Worker?

Employee rights gained momentum during the 20th century, specifically for warehouse workers and all employees, which gave rise to several labor protection laws in the states. As of now, the U.S. Department of Labor employs around 180 protection laws for warehouse workers. Employee rights protect your safety and provide a way to receive recompense for injuries.

If you have been injured on the job, reach out to a personal injury lawyer today to find out what your legal solutions are. Keep reading to find out more about warehouse worker rights in the workplace.

11 Dec

What are My WFH Employee Rights?

With increasing digitization and the pandemic, work from home (WFH) is not only a trend but a necessity for some. For most employees, remote working opportunities provide better flexibility and a healthier work-life balance. Despite these benefits, employers still have certain duties to their employees.

Since the pandemic has become a long-term phenomenon, offices are counting on incorporating more permanent work from home solutions even after the pandemic subsides.