25 Nov

Seasonal Safety Tips: Winter

Even in Florida, it’s important to take certain seasonal safety precautions for winter. While a Florida winter does not often include snow, ice, or sleet, the weather often cools and includes more rain and tourists. It never hurts to be prepared.

Florida, a well-known vacation spot and retirement state, may not experience freezing temperatures or snow, but residents should practice certain seasonal safety tips. As tourists travel through the state and snowbirds flock to their retirement homes, this means more traffic on the roads. Be sure to drive safely.

01 Nov

Self-Care for After an Accident

Work injuries and car accidents occur every day. In 2012, the CDC reported that approximately 7,000 people are injured in car accidents each day. Car and work injuries can result in minor scrapes and bruises to more serious injuries and sometimes fatalities. 

Self-care after an accident is different for every injury, depending on body part and the severity of the injury. When you’ve been injured, it’s important to prioritize your recovery with the right types of self-care.

29 Oct

Common Injuries for Construction Workers

Construction workers are at risk for a number of injuries based on their occupation and proximity to heavy equipment. In 2018, 4,779 work fatalities were recorded, and 21.1% of those deaths were construction workers. While there are many injuries common in construction, OSHA has coined the phrase “Fatal Four” to refer to four types of accidents that often are responsible for more than half of construction worker fatalities.

09 Oct

What to Know About Product Liability Law

When a product fails and causes injury, it’s likely that the people involved in manufacturing the product can be held liable for their part in the breakdown. Product liability attaches liability to the manufacturer, seller, and distributor. In some cases, the suppliers and retailers can be held responsible for product failure.

While product liability is very broad, generally the law is limited to products that are considered a tangible personal property.

02 Sep

Common Personal Injury Cases

Common personal injury cases often include motor vehicle accidents, medical malpractice, workplace accidents, dog bites, product liability, and more. Personal injury is the legal term for any injury that occurs to the body, mind, or emotions. In many situations, a lawsuit is filed for personal injury against the party that has caused the harm.

01 Sep

How Do I Hire a Lawyer When I Can’t See Them in Person?

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a global shift in how everyday workers conduct business, including lawyers. From typical office workers to teachers, operating remotely to limit person-to-person contact has become an everyday reality. 

20 Aug

If I Hire an Attorney for Workers’ Compensation, Will I Get Fired?

Workers are often concerned about getting fired because they consulted or hired a lawyer to handle their worker’s compensation claim or personal injury claim. A smart employer will not fire you. Firstly, it is illegal for an employer to fire you for filing a claim or working with an attorney; secondly, termination will not affect your ability to receive worker’s compensation. This is considered wrongful termination and retaliation.

01 Aug

Common Injuries for Doctors

Common injuries experienced by doctors is not a topic that is discussed often, but the fact is that doctors are susceptible to a number of injuries from work as well as day-to-day life. Doctors are human after all, and therefore are just as likely to deal with illnesses, injuries, and more. In some cases, doctors will even continue to work rather than taking the necessary time off to recover.

23 Jul

What Do I Do if I Finished Medical Treatment for My Work Injury but My Employer Fired Me?

One of the most perplexing aspects of the Florida Workers’ Compensation law is the lack of resources or solutions for workers when they have a career-altering injury. When an injured worker has completed their medical treatment but is still physically unable to return to their employment before the injury, the system has very little options for that worker. 

01 Jul

Common Injuries Caused by Fireworks

Every year, an estimate of 250 people suffer injuries caused by fireworks each day of July, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (SPSC). While people recognize that fireworks are dangerous, many people seem to believe that some fireworks are less dangerous than others. This belief leads to more injury! Firework injuries often include injuries to the face, eyes, hands, legs, and so much more of the body.

Even though they are used for celebration, they still can pose a significant health risk, so practice safety and caution when using fireworks.