27 Aug

Will my Personal Injury Case go to Trial?

No, in general, most personal injury cases settle before reaching trial. Statistically, 95% of personal injury cases settle pretrial with only approximately 5% going to trial. Settling before trial tends to save time and money, even when the settlement offer is a hefty sum.

12 Aug

How Insurance Companies Deny Temporary Wage Benefits

Defense counsel routinely uses a number of defenses in order to deny paying temporary benefits to injured workers. These defenses assume your client has already met the threshold requirements for either Temporary Partial Disability (TPD) or Temporary Total Disability (TTD) i.e., restrictions from an authorized treating physician and not at Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI).

There are rare occasions when an injured worker is entitled to TTD but not receiving it while actively employed with the Employer and the Carrier has not asserted an affirmative defense to payment of TTD.

12 Jul

What to Know About a Florida Bodily Injury Claim

A bodily injury claim is most commonly a request for compensation for expenses related to physical injuries that occurred during a car accident. These claims cover medical bills, lost wages, and other injury-related costs. These claims are generally covered by insurance when paid out, whether it’s the injured party’s insurance or the at-fault driver’s insurance.

20 May

Average Payout for Florida Personal Injury Claim

For victims of a personal injury in Florida, it’s important to consider the value of a personal injury claim. Settlements vary. However, the value of a claim may be averaged based off of other personal injury settlements.

02 May

How To Sue for Personal Injury

Did you know that personal injury is one of the most common situations that result in civil lawsuits? However, not all injuries deserve to be filed as a personal injury claim. It’s crucial to understand the different types of injury claims because each type offers different potential damages, limitation periods, and so much more.

The complexity of the legal system seems daunting, but it also offers relief in light of possible wage loss and healthcare costs.

08 Aug

How to Avoid Amusement Ride Accidents

Amusement rides are here for our amusement -- it’s in the name. But most people may not realize just how common amusement ride accidents can be. More than 43,000 Americans are treated for an amusement ride-related injury every year. 
To protect entertainment seekers from injury, the federal government regulates traveling carnivals while state governments regulate stationary amusement parks. Amusement ride accidents can range from minor to serious injuries that can result in death.

27 Jul

Don’t Believe These Personal Injury Myths

Personal injury myths keep many people with valid injuries from pursuing their rights under the law. Knowing what is true and false about personal injury law can ensure that if you or a loved one suffer an injury that you can seek legal justice and damages.

Avoid believing the following myths and seek your rights under the law.

04 Jul

Filing a Personal Injury Claim in Florida

Filing a personal injury claim offers a chance to recover damages from a significant and severe injury that has negatively impacted your life. A personal injury due to negligence is an unfair circumstance that can ruin your health, well-being, and career. Between the traumatic event and recovery, your body may never be the same again, and you may have to pay thousands of dollars for medical care.