30 Apr

What’s the Benefit of a Free Consultation with a Personal Injury Lawyer?

In personal injury law, a free consultation with a lawyer is more than just a gesture of goodwill; it's a fundamental aspect of the legal process that serves clients in numerous ways. But what is the point of a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer? Let's dive into the reasons behind this initial step toward seeking justice and compensation for injuries you’ve sustained in an accident.

24 Jan

Highway Giants: Understanding Liability in Florida Semi-Truck Accidents

17 Jan

Can a Hotel Be Held Liable for a Personal Injury Claim?

Hotels are places of comfort, relaxation, and hospitality. But accidents can happen anywhere, including in hotels. If you've suffered a personal injury while staying at a hotel, you might be wondering if the hotel can be held liable for your injuries. In this blog, we will explore the factors that determine whether a hotel can be held liable for a personal injury claim.

28 Dec

15 Legal Terms to Know for Personal Injury Claims

Personal injury claims can be complex and overwhelming, especially if you're unfamiliar with the legal jargon and terminology used in the field. For instance, what’s comparative negligence, and how could this impact my case?

Understanding the key terminology for personal injury claims is one way to stay informed during a personal injury or workers’ compensation claim. If you have any further questions about these terms regarding your case or if you think you have a case, feel free to contact Carrillo Injury Law at the information below.

12 May

Navigating Complex Injury Cases: How an Injury Lawyer Can Help

Sustaining an injury due to someone else's negligence or recklessness is an unfortunate event that can be physically and emotionally traumatic. The legal process to obtain compensation can be complex and overwhelming, especially when dealing with medical bills and insurance companies.

Moreover, not all injury cases are straightforward; some require a deep understanding of the law and the legal process. That's why talking with an experienced injury lawyer can help mitigate any misunderstandings.

07 Apr

Who is Responsible For an Accident and Your Personal Injury? Understanding Comparative Negligence

Determining fault and appointing accountability for an accident you were in, whether a car accident or other incident, can present complicated issues in personal injury claims. Comparative negligence becomes relevant when both parties may have played a role in the accident. According to this legal principle, the people, instead of the person responsible for the accident, must divide the blame and financial losses among themselves.

09 Mar

What is the Personal Injury Statute of Limitations in Florida?

Personal injuries can be devastating, both physically and emotionally. Whether you've been in a car accident, suffered a slip-and-fall, or experienced medical malpractice, the aftermath of a personal injury can leave you with mounting medical bills, lost wages, and long-term consequences.

09 Mar

The Myths of Employee & Employer Fraud

Most times when people talk about fraud in workers’ compensation cases, they mean employee fraud. It’s a common misconception that most work injuries are faked or exaggerated. Do those cases occur? Yes, but just not to the frequency that most people assume.
01 Mar

5 Things Every Employee Should Know About Personal Injury

There may be times when accidents can occur in the workplace, either due to malpractice, negligence, or human error. Though distressing, the aftermath of a personal injury includes a number of options for pursuing your rights.

Knowing what to do in case of personal injury in the workplace is the first step. Here are five things every employee should keep in mind in the event of a personal injury.

1. Focus on the Injury Care

When you suffer an injury at the workplace, your first priority should be your health.